Comité Français des Barrages et Réservoirs

Barrage de Puylaurent

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Sûreté des évacuateurs de crues de barrages
Sûreté des évacuateurs de crues de barrages (2021)

Dam Spillway Safety
Survey on spillway projects after the publication of the 2013 CFBR recommendations and lessons learned : Comparison to international practices and Recent spillway accidentology.
In French.

Pratiques françaises de l’analyse de risques et de l’évaluation de la sûreté des barrages

French practices of dam safety review and risk assessment
This report discusses French practices in the field of safety review and risk assessment for dams. It looks at the followingpoints : a functional andstructural analysisofdams, an analysis of the failure modes, modeling failure scenarios, risk assessmentrelative to thefailure modes andscenarios, assessing the severity of thescenarios and assessing thecriticality and the risks including displaying the risks.The report describes the methods implementedin thepractices and includes numerous illustrative examples. It aimsto raise awareness of Frenchpractices outside France. To make the report easier to understand, a glossary of technical terms is provided at the end.Thisdocument constitutesasummary of the feedback from the first generation of Safety Review Risk Assessments carried out inFrance between2007 and2018. It does not have the status of guidelines for carrying out Safety Review Risk Assessments in France.

The document includes the text in French and its translation into English.

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Recommandations pour la justification du comportement des barrages-voûtes
Recommandations pour la justification du comportement des barrages-voûtes : version provisoire

Recommendations for the safety assessment of arch dam behaviour
The recommendations result from the work of a Working Group of the French Committee of Dams and Reservoirs (CFBR), conducted from October 2014 to October 2018 to develop recommendations for the justification of the behavior of arch dams. The October 2018 version of the guide constitutes provisional recommendations from the CFBR. The CFBR intends, within a few years (3 to 5 years in general), and on the basis of feedback from experience and practice of the profession, to transform this guide into final recommendations of the CFBR.
The document includes the text in French and its translation into English.

Dimensionnement des évacuateurs de crue de barrage par les dommages incrémentaux ou différentiels
Dimensionnement des évacuateurs de crue de barrage par les dommages incrémentaux ou différentiels : Recommandations provisoires pour la mise en œuvre d’une méthode applicable aux barrages en France

Design of spillways by incremental or differential damage : Interim recommendations for the implementation of a method applicable to dams in France
The recommendations come from the work of a Working Group (WG) of the French Committee of Dams and Reservoirs (CFBR), conducted from September 2013 to December 2016 to develop a methodology for the design of spillways by incremental damage. The October 2017 version of the guide constitutes interim CFBR recommendations. The CFBR provides, within a few years (usually 3-5 years), and on the basis of feedback and practice from the profession, to transform this guide into final recommendations of the CFBR. In French.

Recommandations pour la justification de la stabilité des barrages et des digues en remblai
Recommandations pour la justification de la stabilité des barrages et des digues en remblai - Guidelines for the justification of embankment dams and levees (2015)

Recommendations for Justification of Stability of Embankment Dams and Dykes - 2015
Guidelines for the justification of embankment dams and levees
A CFBR working group has developed recommendations of the same type as the previous document for justifying the stability of embankment dams and dikes. The document includes the text in French and its translation into English.

Recommandations pour le dimensionnement des évacuateurs de crues de barrages
Recommandations pour le dimensionnement des évacuateurs de crues de barrages - Dam spillway design guidelines (2013)

Recommendations for dimensioning spillways - 2013
Dam spillway design guidelines
A CFBR working group has developed recommendations for the design and dimensioning of dam spillways. The document includes recommendations in French and its translation into English.

Dam risk assessment guideline
Dam risk assessment guideline (2015) - Traduction en langue anglaise du guide de lecture des études de dangers des barrages

Guide to reading dam hazards studies - 2015
This document is the English translation of a reading guide for the control services in charge of the analysis of the content of the hazard studies sent to the prefects by the hydraulic works managers in application of the regulations. In English.

Référentiel technique digues maritimes et fluviales
Référentiel technique digues maritimes et fluviales (2015)

Technical reference sheet sea and river dykes - 2015

This document was written at the request of the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, technical service of electrical energy, large dams and hydraulics by a group of work that led this task over the period from March 2011 to August 2013. This first version of the standard is intended to be enriched by complementary elements that are not addressed in this first edition. In French.

Guide de la DGPR sur le risque sismique et la sécurité des ouvrages hydrauliques
Guide de la DGPR sur le risque sismique et la sécurité des ouvrages hydrauliques (2014)

DGPR Guide on seismic risk and safety of hydraulic structures - 2014
This document, developed under the auspices of the DGR with the active participation of the CFBR, aims to unify practices for the verification of security against the seismic risk of hydraulic structures, dams and dikes, located in France. In French.

Recommandations pour la justification de la stabilité des barrages-poids
Recommandations pour la justification de la stabilité des barrages-poids - Guidelines for the justification of the stability of gravity dams (2012)

Recommendations for Justification of Stability of Gravity Dams - 2012
Guidelines for the justification of the stability of gravity dams
A working group of the CFBR has developed recommendations to homogenize the practices of consulting firms for the justification of the stability of gravity dams. The justification framework is inspired by Eurocodes. The document includes the text in French and its translation into English.

Small Dams - Guidelines for design, construction and monitoring
Small Dams - Guidelines for design, construction and monitoring (2002)

Small Dams - Recommendations for Design, Justification and Monitoring - 2002
The CFGB (former name of the CFBR) developed in 2002 in a working group a document of recommendations applied to small dams. In English.