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2nd Bulletin - ICOLD Marseille 2022

2nd Bulletin - ICOLD Marseille 2022

ICOLD 2022 Congress - May 27 to June 3, 2022 in Marseille, France

Download here the second bulletin which details all the numerous sequences of this week : including the congress itself, the symposium organized by the CFBR " Sharing water : multi-purpose of reservoirs and innovations", extended by an International Round Table on the challenges of dams in the 21st century, the meeting of all ICOLD technical committees, training sessions on the main recommendations produced by the French Committee in recent years, technical visits and post-congress study tours, and many other moments.


We also remind you that ICOLD is organizing its 89th annual meeting in virtual form, from November 15 to 19, 2021, around the General Assembly :

More informations :